Redefining the
way creative is valued

Get noticed and supported. Sell any original creation.
Develop a recurring income stream. Get appreciated in the way you like.

How it works


Sign up

Sign up and be a creator


Submit your work

Upload your design. We'll review them and get back to you within a few days.


Start Earning

Earn every time our users purchase your design.

What can you sell?

At STIVE, you have the opportunity to unleash your creativity. Choose the resources you want to sell and upload them to our platform.


Intuitive tools designed to fit you

Manage your income easily from one single place.

Imaginative tools to unleash your creativity!

Generate your best artworks via our highly effective and practical tools!

Monetise Your Work with Zero Hassle!

From creating to marketing your best work, let us be your best helper in this creative journey! We have all the right tools for you to attract your audiences!

Localized Payment Method

We provide a localized payment method that simplifies online transactions and makes them more convenient.

Simpler than you think.

Explore what the other creators are using our platform for!


The experience to me is positive. I'm happy to join this platform and bring my art to a wider local audience. Though it's still relatively new, I can't wait to see where this platform is going to grow next!

The White Paper Co.

I believe Stive Asia is a very good platform for local artists because the market is overcrowded with talents who are lacking opportunities to showcase their talents.


Though the platform is relatively fresh, I believe it can provide Malaysian artists with a chance to be seen in this local market. In terms of my user experience, I find it very convenient. Loading time is quick, and there aren't any hiccups. There's even a section for businesses to approach designers directly.

Take full control on your creativity!

14-days trial    Earn up to 95% royalties    Cancel anytime   

Plan Features

See Comparison Chart
Storage 100 MB 50 GB 500 GB
Platform commission fee 25% 0% 0%
Offsite ads 20% 20% 0%
Payment transaction fee 5% 5% 5%
Sell digital assets
Marketing tools
Agency in the box
Crowdsourcing Contest
Customer support
Interview & featured creator
  • What is the processing fee?

  • It does not cost money to submit.

  • Do I have to make an account?

  • How am I paid?

  • What are the benefits of being a PRO-Member?

  • What rights do I have for my artwork/ creations?

  • I have friends that would like to join? How can I refer to them?

  • Why should I do this?

  • Who should submit on ST!VE?

Save 54% off on PRO subscription with code STIVE365. Sign up for free now